Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Gooser's Ideas

Let me tell you first why we are calling my portion Gooser's Ideas.  When I was a little girl (and even still to this day) I liked to be very silly.  My mom always called my silly goose and well... the name has stuck.  I like my nickname, I think it's cute.

Chicken Day!!!

I was so excited to finally have our chickens.  We got five of them, and I loved them.  Their names were Blueiette, Blackiette, two Fluffers, and Softy.  My mom says I can have Softy, she has feathers that are soft and look blonde (like me!).  The chickens seemed to like the coop Daddy built.  We had our friends over and we all chased the chickens and they ran.  Mom told us not to chase the chickens because the chickens will learn to be afraid of us.

The next morning they gave us EGGS!!!!  I was so happy.  We had to leave though to go to Friday classes, I was sad to leave the chickens.  We put them in their coop to keep them from getting picked up by hawks.  Later that day we came home, we jumped out of the car and ran back to the coop.  We opened the door and... Softy was dead.  I kept my tears in at first, but I wanted to cry.  Blackiette and one of the Fluffers was breathing hard.  We brought them inside and put them on a towel.  We put icepacks on them and started squirting sugar water in their mouths, then Fluffers made some awful choking sounds then her body stopped moving and her eyes closed.  She was dead.  My mom looked online, she figured out we could put water on the chickens so she started squirting Blackiette in the sink.  She made some gargling sounds put her head back and died.  Stevie and I started crying and screaming.  Mom called Dad to tell him the news, she was scared to tell him.  Then we started begging mom to get chicks, but Mom said, "No, no, no, no, NO!"

After a couple minutes, we went to the feed store... and Mom got us three chicks!!!  I love them! Their names are Butterscotch, Butters, and Racer.  Back at home, mom cleaned the dead chickens.  I was grossed out.  There were feathers everywhere! In the sink were the heads of the chickens and blood.  Then my mom started getting everything out of it's body.  There was blood everywhere now.  We found what would have turned into eggs inside the chicken's body.  They were round with red vein things.  At the end of that night, I went to bed alright with knowing that the chickens were dead because we had the baby chicks.

Lessons learned:
Do not leave chickens in the heat!
God doesn't always say yes when we ask for something (I had prayed that He would save the chickens)
Baby chicks are cute and sound cute!
I will never clean out a chicken!


GladToBeMimi said...

Dear Abby,

I like reading about your adventures with your chickens. Keep writing, especially as they grow bigger. Are you sure you don't have any rooster chicks?

From, Mrs. Stout

Uplands Reach Conference Center said...

Gooser, great blog post! Keep posting! You are an excellent writer!

It's A Wonderful Life said...

Mrs. Stout,

Thank you for your comment. I have been reading with my mom how to tell if a chick is a boy or a girl. There is a way called, "Venting" where you look at the butt to tell if it's a boy or a girl. This is very dangerous for the chick though and can hurt it. We are not going to do that to our chickens. We think we might have a boy. We will watch it to see if it crows, if it's head feathers grow long and pointy, and if it's comb (it's head part) will grow larger.

Thank you for your question, I will post more about what I am learning about my chickens.


It's A Wonderful Life said...

Thank you Auntie Becky! I like handwriting too!
